Fsu0413's Original Qt builds


These binaries built by Fsu0413 are TOTALLY UNTESTED. Use at your own risk.
The code used is downloaded from here, and patches applied on top of code are listed here only for dealing with some simple and minor compile / build fixes.
THESE PACKAGE ARE PROVIDED “As is”, I have no responsibility that you mess up your things with this binaries.
Thanks for The Qt Company Ltd. and the programmers of Qt for their fantastic work!!

Update History

22nd Jun, 2024

Update Qt 6.7.2.
Rebuild versions built by llvm-mingw 18 series toolchain, using llvm-mingw 18.1.8.
Update Visual Studio 2022 to 17.10.3.
Update Visual Studio 2019 to 16.11.37.
Update Visual Studio 2017 to 15.9.63.

9th Jun, 2024

Update OpenSSL to 3.0.13.
Rebuild versions built by llvm-mingw 18 series toolchain, using llvm-mingw 18.1.7.
Update Visual Studio 2022 to 17.10.1.

Before 28th May, 2024
