Notes for this repository

Chinese / Multilingual Support

This website was English only since when it was initially built, although the maintainer of this website (me, Fsu0413) is a Chinese native speaker from the PRC.
Currently I am gradually adding Simplified Chinese support on this website.

Recently this website has gained multilingual support thanks to the built-in multilingual support of Hugo and the recently switched Relearn theme.
Current Chinese support is in the stage of writing texts. There is a bunch of things which are not finished.
But the main contents are rewritten using Chinese, which shouldn’t bother us for downloading binaries.

If there are any constructive advices, feel free to create issue on Github.

Website Mirror

Recently I created a mirror of this website in the Greatest China, using service of Gitee Pages.
This mirror is configured to be displaying Simplified Chinese by default.

Due to the customize domain name function is only available under purchaged service of Gitee, Chinese mirror has to be under the domain of Gitee for now.
I may purchage the service later when the service seems good enough for me.

Github Pages (America, with English as default language)
Gitee Pages (The Greatest China, with Chinese-S as default language)

Reproduciable building

I use a set of scripts to do the build and packaging for reproducible building Qt.
If you are interested in build method, please check the following GitHub repository. (PLEASE DO NOT FORK THIS REPOSITORY!)


However unfortunely, this website is manually edited.
Source of this site is:


Notes on static builds

I don’t use static builds in huge projects. I don’t think it is wise to use a static build there.

Maybe you just want to distribute a single portable executable binary file, but there is limitations:

  • It is not free of charge unless the program itself is a free software under (L)GPLv3.
  • A few modules of Qt does not build. (WebEngine, etc…)
  • Cannot use dynamically-linked plugin.
  • It is not linked at build time, possibly causing linking problem afterwards.

To be wise and stop using static builds in huge projects. You’ll feel liberated to make this change. Trust me.

Static Lite Builds and Static Full Builds (Updated 8th Mar, 2022)

Static lite builds skipped most of Qt modules, only QtCore, QtDeclarative (QtQml 2), QtXmlPatterns and QtXXXExtras are built.
It is useful for people who wants to build the QtIFW without building a full static Qt.

(Updated 8th Mar, 2022) Qt 5 static lite builds is also for my build of QQtPatcher.
(Updated 4th Dec, 2021) Since Qt 6 cross builds of Qt need a host Qt of same version for its tools, we use this static lite version of Qt for producing host tools.

Static full builds don’t skip most of Qt modules, only skip modules which does not build.

Notes on users of Qt of old version

I only provide the prebuilt libraries of the latest version of each major release/LTS release, older non-LTS versions will get deleted soon after I release most of the packages of the new version.

I don’t know why they don’t update to the newest version of Qt of the current branch (e.g, Qt 5.6.1-1, at the time of writing, has released for more than half a month but quite a few users are still using 5.6.0).

For stability? compatibility? feel lazy for updating? or other reasons?

  • Stability
    I think updating to the latest version of the same branch increases stability. Qt only does bug-fixes in minor releases. This is not a problem.
  • Compatibility
    Binaries of the same major releases are compatible. It is no need to concern.
  • Lazy
    Don’t compare laziness with me, I feel lazy for comparing.
  • Other reasons
    I have no idea if there are any other reasons.

Notes on the distributed compressed files

Archive files on Windows host are compressed using 7z in 7z format using LZMA2 Algorithm.
The command line of generating the compressed file is like:

7z a -t7z -m0=LZMA2:d256m:fb273 -mmt=3 -myx -mqs -ms=on -- xxx.7z xxx

Archive files on Linux use GNU tar. Archive files on macOS use bsdtar.
In addition, we use 7z for the xz compression.
The command line of generating the compressed file is like:

tar -cf - xxx | 7zr a -txz -m0=LZMA2:d256m:fb273 -mmt=3 -myx -si -- xxx.tar.xz

Make sure your uncompresser supports LZMA2 algorithm. For example:
7z users should upgrade your 7z to 9.20 or later.
WinRAR users should upgrade your WinRAR to 4.00 or later.
Other decompresser users should query for their latest version, since it may support LZMA2 algorithm.

Arch Linux and MSYS2 switched to zst for their package manager recently.
Only recent GNU tar (1.31 or later) and recent bsdtar (3.3.3 or later) directly supports .tar.zst compress method.
I will not use zst here because the compress ratio is not as good as LZMA2(xz).

Difference of this Qt and offically distributed Qt (Updated 8th Jan, 2023)

I provide only binary tarball, which contains only built Qt binary for each OS.
It should work out of box (for Qt 5.14 or later) or work after patches to Qt (for Qt 5.13 and before).
(Updated 14th Apr, 2022) Since installers are often doubted for attaching unwanted software (I never mean to do it), I will never use installers.

(Updated 7th Jun, 2020) There is NO NEED TO LOGIN Qt ACCOUNT!!! By doing this gets rid of the nonsense of “This can help optimize Qt”.

All Qt builds here have been configured with -no-icu, because I thought that the ICU is useless for common usecases, and it is rather a big thing.

Using linked OpenSSL support for packages which can’t use platform native way for creating SSL sockets. Windows builds before and including Qt 5.12 are using linked OpenSSL to dynamic(shared) libraries, Android builds are using statically linked OpenSSL.
macOS builds are using SecureTransport instead of OpenSSL.
Windows builds after and including Qt 5.13 are using SChannel instead of OpenSSL.

(Updated 14th Apr, 2022) No debug libs, which cuts more than a half of the size of the whole Qt package.
(Kindly please don’t request it without commericial customization since I don’t use it. Note that commerical customization has not started yet)

No examples, which cuts more than a half of the size of the whole Qt package.

No docs (and no QDoc for Qt 5.12 and later since it depends on Clang), since Qt docs can be read from at any time, it is no need to bondle doc to the package.

(Updated 8th Jan, 2023) No certificate which may be devastating for especially non-developers.
Binary program certificate must be bought on expensive price, yet I as a personal developer can’t afford it for only a simple trust verification.
This leads to a problem that the program is reported to be not trusted when running my build of Qt.
There is no solution for this problem at the moment. I won’t buy certificate for verification until commericial customization started and I earned some money by it in the future.
It is possible to implement GPG verifiiation before certificate can be bought. (Although it has been put away for a long time…)
(Qt before 5.14 can’t be trusted due to patch of Qt after install. Qt 5.14 and later can be relocated which resolves this problem)

Qt offering changes 2020 (updated 2nd Sep, 2023)

Qt just announced Qt offering changes 2020.
Following is my opinion of this blog.

First of all, I have a Qt account, but I don’t understand why I need a Qt account to install the Qt development kit.
All files are compiled and linked from the same set of source code. It will not change even if you log in to your Qt account. It will not add any features to Qt. “This can help optimize Qt” is simply nonsense.

LTS is only available for commercial license. So what is the license for the LTS source package?
(Removed 8th Mar, 2022) If it is also only available for commercial licenses, Qt basically says goodbye to stable open source software.
(Updated 8th Mar, 2022) With current release schedule any patch will be delivered after 1 year. It will be too late before a security issue has got patched, espically for original version built by tQtC.
Besides, their LTS support time is not too long. Windows has 10 years of support time, (Updated 14th Apr, 2022) CentOS Rocky Linux has 10 years of support time, and Qt has only 3 years…

The offline installation package is only available for commercial licenses, which means that peoples in China can only find the time (usually before 8 am) when the network is available to install the Qt open source version with the online installation package.

What kind of company is a small company?
Founding a shell company and using this company to buy Qt and distribute software, for only $499 per year? While other employees who work together use the open source version in private?
This will definitely lose money.

I will continue my amateur job of building Qt. I hope Qt for MCUs will be open source soon.

(Appended 2nd Sep, 2023) I have been lucky enough to have spotted Qt for MCUs in a small project in my company. It is provided in binary form.
It uses completely different base structure than desktop and mobile one - it does not use current existing free software like Qt Base, etc..

I did no studying or investigating about that part since my development at work has no relationship with Qt, so the above words is all I know about it.

GPG sign (Updated 6th Feb, 2021)

I am working on a method to GPG sign every package, but I didn’t find a good method.
I don’t want to put the signature file besides the package, I think it will be a waste of upload step……

(Updated 6th Feb, 2021) I haven’t found a suitable solution, temporarily put it away….

Windows 10 before version 1809 and 32-bit Windows deprecation (IMPORTANT NOTES!!) (updated 25th Mar, 2023)

(Updated 25th Mar, 2023) Windows 8.1 reached EOL on 10th Jan, 2023.
Since 25th Mar, 2023 all builds don’t support Windows 8.1. Existing VS2015 and MinGW 7.3 builds are migrated to Windows 10.

Qt 6 builds before 6.2 supports only 64-bit Windows 10 1809 and later, while builds after 6.3 supports only latest Windows 10 (i.e. version after 2004 since they has same system files).

SINCE 3rd Jun, 2020 (Qt 5.15 release and Qt 5.9 EOL) ONLY VS2015 AND MINGW 7.3 BUILDS SUPPORTS WINDOWS 8.1 by me.


Decided EOL of current building Qt LTS versions (Updated 25th Jan, 2024)

Note: since OpenSSL is currently built on all versions of my build except for WebAssembly, all of my builds should persist until EOL of that specific OpenSSL version.
Currently OpenSSL 3.0 series are used, which will reach EOL until 7th Sep, 2026.

We are currently using OpenSSL 3.0 series on our Qt 5.15 Android builds.
Currently it is certain that Qt 5.15 will be supported for 5 years, but it is unknown that tQtC will provide source code of Qt 5.15 after 26th May, 2024.
If subsequent version of Qt 5.15 remains private we won’t upgrade OpenSSL to post-3.0 version.

Qt version Build Target EOL date Notes
5.15 Series Windows 11 with VS2019 (Shared) / VS2022 26th May, 2024 or 2026 Same as EOL of Qt opensource 5.15, with WebEngine got update ahead of time, with VS version update within VS2019/22
Windows with VS2015 / VS2017 / VS2019 (static) / MinGW 26th May, 2024 or 2026 Same as EOL of Qt opensource 5.15, with VS version update within VS2017/9/22
macOS 26th May, 2024 or 2026 Same as EOL of Qt opensource 5.15, with WebEngine got update ahead of time, with (at best effort) Xcode and macOS update
Android 7th Sep, 2026 Same as EOL of OpenSSL 3.0 series.
WebAssembly 26th May, 2024 or 2026 Same as EOL of Qt opensource 5.15
6.2 Series Windows 11 with VS2019 / VS2022 7th Sep, 2026 Same as EOL of OpenSSL 3.0 series, with VS version update
Windows 11 with MinGW / LLVM-MinGW 7th Sep, 2026 Same as EOL of OpenSSL 3.0 series, with MinGW version update
macOS 7th Sep, 2026 Same as EOL of OpenSSL 3.0 series, with (at best effort) Xcode and macOS update
Android 7th Sep, 2026 Same as EOL of OpenSSL 3.0 series, Will stuck at Android NDK r23 LTS series
WebAssembly 29th Sep, 2025 Same as EOL of Qt opensource 6.2
6.5 Series ? 3rd Apr, 2027 (tentitive) Updated OpenSSL or third party libraries should be checked beforehand.

Commericial-only Qt Open Source Release Date (ETA)

Qt Version Commericial Release Date Open Source Release Date
5.15.15 31st Aug, 2023 31st Aug, 2024 (Need to check if Qt will really release this version to opensource on that day)
5.15.16 17th Nov, 2023 17th Nov, 2024
5.15.17 22nd May, 2024 22nd May, 2025
6.2.9 4th Jul, 2023 4th Jul, 2024
6.2.10 9th Oct, 2023 9th Oct, 2024
6.2.11 16th Jan, 2024 16th Jan, 2025
6.2.12 22nd Mar, 2024 22nd Mar, 2025
6.5.4 11th Jan, 2024 11th Jan, 2025
6.5.5 4th Mar, 2024 4th Mar, 2025

Existing Patches

Starting from 12th Mar, 2022 I am shipping Qt with patches from Qt.
Most of them are CVE patches which can be downloaded from Qt Downloads, others are build fixes which are download from Qt Gerrit or KDE.

Following is a table for patches of each version I am currently building.
Note that I won’t patch an active version of Qt and will simply wait for future release. So only Commericial LTS and EOL version are patched.
A patch will removed from following table when this patch is shipped or not needed to be applied in all of the maintained versions.
Version number in brackets are the version when the corresponding patch will be shipped.

Issue \ Qt Version 5.15.14 6.2.8 6.5.3
CVE-2023-32573 shipped (6.2.9) shipped
(5.15 series specific) Clang mapboxgl build fix (?) - -
CVE-2023-32762 shipped (6.2.9) shipped
CVE-2023-32763 (5.15.15) (6.2.9) shipped
CVE-2023-33285 shipped (6.2.9) shipped
CVE-2023-34410 (5.15.15) (6.2.9) shipped
CVE-2023-37369 (5.15.15) × (6.2.10) shipped
CVE-2023-38197 (5.15.15) × (6.2.10) shipped
CVE-2023-43114 (5.15.16) (6.2.10) (6.5.4)
CVE-2023-4863 (5.15.16) (6.2.10) shipped
CVE-2023-45872 - × (6.2.11) -
CVE-2023-51714 1 2 (5.15.17) 1 2 (6.2.11) 1 2 (6.5.4)
CVE-2024-25580 (5.15.17) (6.2.12) (6.5.5)
CVE-2024-30161 - - × (6.5.6)
CVE-2024-33861 [Note] - - × (6.5.6)
CVE-2024-36048 (5.15.17) (6.2.13) (6.5.6)
QtWebEngine w/ Ninja 1.12.0 build fix (5.15.18) - (6.5.6 or 6.5.7, partially applied)
(5.15 series specific) macOS QtWebEngine jumbo build fix (5.15.18) - -
QtMultiMedia C++17 build fix (?) (?) (6.5.6)

Starting from 12th Mar, 2024 I provided some (self-made) simple fixes about build problem.
Currently only LTS version will be patched.

Issue \ Qt Version 5.15.14 6.2.8 6.5.3
Qt 5.15 series can’t be built using later MinGW-w64 which has its _WIN32_WINNT defaults to 0x0A00 2024-Fs-qmake-enable-build-on-higher-version-of-MinGW-w64-qtbase-5.15.diff - -
Qt 5.15 series angle can’t be built using GCC 11 or later 2024-Fs-angle-fix-build-on-gcc11-qtbase-5.15.diff - -
Qt 5.15 series d3d12 Qt Quick Scene Graph plugin can’t find fxc, and can’t find _uuidof function 2024-Fs-d3d12-fix-compile-with-later-mingw-qtdeclarative-5.15.diff - -
Qt 5.15 and 6.2 series can’t be built using Android NDK r25 or later 2024-Fs-qlogging-fix-Android-NDK-r25-builds-qtbase-5.15.diff 2024-Fs-qlogging-fix-Android-NDK-r25-builds-qtbase-6.2.diff -
Qt 6.2 series QtShaderTools can’t build using GCC 13 - 2024-Fs-glslang-fix-GCC-13-builds-qtshadertools-6.2.diff -
Qt 6.2 and 6.5 series Qt3D can’t build using GCC 13 - 2024-Fs-qt3dassimp-fix-GCC-13-builds-qt3d-6.2.diff 2024-Fs-qt3dassimp-fix-GCC-13-builds-qt3d-6.5.diff
Qt 6.2 series QtQuick3D can’t build using GCC 13 - 2024-Fs-qtquick3dassimp-fix-GCC-13-builds-qtquick3d-6.2.diff -
macOS -Wno-enum-constexpr-conversion warning as error build fix 2024-Fs-remove-warning-as-error-mapbox-gl-native-5.15.diff
- -